13 July 2012

Prayer Request Box

This is actually a post and project I had not planned to do or to write! I was so happily surprised though with the results I decided to share it with you.
What is the saying “Necessity is the Mother of Invention”? Well, I don’t know if that is the case or if we are just lucky or so Blessed that we learn to “make the best” out of what we have.
I just recently experienced this. What a happy surprise!

My Wednesday morning’s “Women’s Power of Prayer” group was held at my house this past week, because our wonderful leader had an opportunity to have a vacation with her husband and their children.  It was not an overwhelming undertaking for me. I love to bake! I always have coffee and Tea @ the ready for all friends and family that pop by in the early hours of the day! So, how happy was I to have this wonderful group of women meeting here this time…It pleased me very much.  

One of the things that our leader has always had available at all of our meetings has been a prayer request box. One with blank cards to be written on & deposited in, (if someone preferred prayer that they weren't comfortable enough to request from the group). As well as, any donations, for some of the special reading materials available. (This has always been something that people could deposit anonymously, as not to provide any undo discomfort. And even though, our leader provided me with everything I would need for our meeting and what sections of our study to focus on. She had, in fact, forgotten this wonderful little (but very important box).   

I thought this was not a problem. Surely,  I should be able to find something I could use. In fact, it wasn't as easy as I thought, to find something visually appealing, as well as, functional.  So I searched my house the night before the group was to meet and stumbled upon this stationary, that someone had given me years before that was never really to my taste, but the hinged box was perfect for my needs. Then there was just the little matter that it was really not as delicate and pretty as I would have liked this important box to be.  So I looked in through my craft supplies and had a couple of sheets of “card stock” scrap-booking paper, that I had saved for whatever.?! Okay, I was just taken with the look of it and thought when I bought it at .59 cents a sheet that it would be beautiful for something! And it was!  I got out my ruler, straight edge and tacky glue and covered, lined and wrapped the lid up with a bow!! Standing back at 12:30 am, I was quite pleased with my little prayer box!!  It wasn't necessary to put all this effort in such a little thing, but I was pleased that I had! By the end of our successful morning meeting the contents were removed, to be handed of to the right person, and my beautiful little prayer box remained my happy little memory of the morning. 

This wasn't a difficult project for me, but it certainly was a rewarding one.  I remember thinking at the time, that it may have made God smile! Or laugh!  I hope you enjoy it, too!! 

As always, Many Blessings for a wonderful weekend! 


  1. What a beautiful box and such a wonderful idea!

  2. It is a lovely box. Great idea! Thank you so much for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!

  3. Great post. I found this through the Create and Inspire linky party. I linked in an attempt at meatballs.
    Have a lovely week.

    1. Thanks so much Tammy and Carol!! you are both so kind to me!!
      It is much appreciated!
      Blessings, Theresa

  4. As always you never fail to impress me with your quick thinking

    1. Oh, Pam you are so good to me!! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I'm glad you like it!! I'm rather fond of this one, too, it's close to my heart!

  5. It is very lovely!
    And it's so nice to know it served the Lord and stays to bless you further!
    Trish..visiting you from Sunny Simple Sunday

    1. Thank you, so much, Trish!! I'm so glad you liked it, and Thank you for the comment, this seems to be the least favorite project I've shared. But, I too, am proud that it was used to serve the Lord!
      Many Thanks and Blessing,

  6. This box is very beautiful and so is what you are doing!
    Marcie @ www.IGottaTryThat.com

  7. It would be beautiful as a gift box or keepsake too but I love your purpose for it. I too love coffee and cake or whatever as long as it is in the company of good women or friends.

  8. You are right! It turned out so cute and can be used for a number of things. God smiled on your use of your talent I am sure :) Thank you for sharing it with us at The "Sunday Stop".

  9. Such a sweet story and a wonderful ending:) I love the box and thank you for sharing at Freedom Fridays.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks so much, Evelyn! I'm so glad you liked it!!

  10. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Hello...it's nice to meet you. I came by way of Karen's blog for the Where Bloggers Create party.
    Feel free to visit with me, if you'd like to see my home studio space....have a great Sunday night.

    ciao bella
    your newest follower

    creative carmelina

  11. Hi Theresa, I just found your blog, and I love it! I love the way you write like you are talking to me, and I enjoyed looking at all your projects and past posts. I agree with your philosophy of living richly with whatever you have! Making the best of what you have, and I too believe that God wants us to have an abundant life, full of joy! Your spontaneous prayer box turned out beautiful and I liked your "milkglass" and your white chair with roses. I too started blogging when I found some blogs by accident when I had just started learning to use the computer. I though it was wonderful how bloggers shared and encouraged and inspired each other! It's great how your share your faith and have fun on your blog too! Have a sweet summer and I'll be traveling with you on this "elegant journey" Blessings, Linda @ Grandmalay's Daydreams

    1. Linda, Thank you Very Much...I think this is the most beautiful comment I have ever received..Thank you so much! I've joined your journey, as well!

  12. I have no doubt that this pretty little box made God smile.
    I like that idea of a prayer box. I may have to suggest that at our (super small) church.


    1. Thanks you so much, Toqua!! I hope you do make one for your church!
      As much as we share and ask for prayer, there are still some things and people who find it a weakness, this gives them an "anonymous" way to ask for prayer!
      Many Blessings to you, too!

  13. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Where is the tables cape???

  14. Very sweet! I think you did a great job! :)


    1. Thank so much Liz and you,too, Astra, for visiting and leaving your kind
      comments! They are very much appreciated!
      Blessings to you both, Theresa.

  15. I came to your blog through Karens "where bloggers create link. I love your prayer box. What an inspiring story. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Your prayer box is so pretty, and love the paper inside. You are right you could use it for many different reasons. Your prayer group sounds wonderful! So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday's Best!

    1. Thank you so much, Cathy!! I'm so glad you liked it! It was alot of fun for me, and now I get to have it my home. I'm thinking win/win!
      Many Blessings,

  17. This is a wonderful idea and your prayer box is lovely! Thank you for sharing at TTF last week! I hope to see you join us again!

  18. This is so beautiful. I love this idea. I have a Blog Hop, and I would love it if you would link this post. You can find it at
    It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop.
    I hope to see you there. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  19. Hello Theresa,
    This is such a lovely idea - all your careful work and dedication to making this lovely was well worth the while. I am sure your prayer group loved it. I do appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

    1. Thanks, Kathy!
      You are always so kind to me! I just linked up
      with your Home and Garden Party again! Thanks for your support!

  20. Great idea. Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.


  21. This is wonderful! I'm going to try to make one today - such a great idea! You are so talented.... Hope you are going to join in on my Christmas in July event... I know you would share something wonderful....

    Love & hugs to you,

    1. Hey, Heather! Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been a bit behind..:) I'm so glad you're going to make one of your own!! I'd love to see it. I wish I could join you for Christmas in July, but unfortunately I haven't anything prepared and I have 3 other project in the works, but I'll be ready next year!! Thanks for coming to my blog, it's a great honor.
      Many Blessing, Love and Hugs,

  22. What a beautiful little box. Thanks so much for sharing on Tout It! Hope to see you again.

    1. Hey J and D! Thanks so much for your comments and for posting my little projects on your Blog, very much appreciated!!


I love, love your comments and I do read every single one. They totally make my day. If you have a specific question, make sure I can answer you back by adding your email to your google/blog account! Thanks so much for the visit.